Our founding fathers told us that we were endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. One of which is LIBERTY. What is LIBERTY? Simply put, it’s the right to do right! It’s the right to be left alone if one chooses it. The space to build and create, to acquire property through honest work and invention and to be able to pass that property or wealth down to the next generation, untouched by governments or bureaucracy. Liberty is worshipping God as one chooses all the while knowing that government is not God and never was.


What is it that makes a rancher get off his swather and gently scare away a baby fawn to keep from running over it? It’s an inherent value for life and the helpless. Scripture tells us that God breathed into Adam the breath of LIFE and man became a living soul. Having been created in the image of God, mankind is to have the same view of life as God Himself. No nation can survive having lost its Godly view of life. From the unborn child to the weak and elderly, we must protect and honor life. 


God's Word tells us in Romans 13:3 that rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. What does that mean? It means that God, who ordained government, said that laws were to be put in place to punish evil but not to hinder good. Good laws that punish evil should be enforced. Our great grandparents knew that and that’s why cattle rustlers and horse thieves, when caught, suffered the same sentence. On the other side of the coin, bad laws that hinder good or seek to take away our liberty should be repealed. 


The right and ability to provide for one’s own needs and for the needs of his or her family is one of the original building blocks to the great nation we live in. Economic development is a phase we hear all the time, so how did we as a nation develop the greatest economy the world has ever known in less than 200 years? The answer is this: we let people think, work, invent, risk and build, all the while letting them keep what is theirs.


Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor is what we call a legacy. What will our children and grandchildren receive from us? Where will we be as a nation or as a state in 20 years? The answer is very simple.. how we view and what we do with our Liberty, and our belief about Livelihood will determine whether what our children and grandchildren receive from us. I will not stand idly by while those in government participate in or passively allow the eroding of our liberties and rights and thereby robbing my grandchildren and yours of their glorious future. Will we pass on a Legacy of the right to keep and bear arms? Will we pass on a Legacy of religious freedom? Will we pass on a Legacy of financial freedom? Will we pass on a Legacy of a defense of life and an honoring of our elders? I say yes we will! With each one of us doing our part it will be accomplished.