Meet Tony

 Although I was not born or raised in Nebraska, I suppose I was always destined to be a Nebraskan. For you see, my great great grandfather came to Nebraska in the year 1887, and like many people from Sweden, he decided to settle in Eastern Nebraska. The family story goes that he did not like the hot summers and decided to move North, where the snow got deeper and stayed longer. 
    So you may ask, “Tony, how did you and your wife, a coal miners daughter from West Virginia, get to Nebraska?” The short answer is that we chose to come here, yes that’s right, we chose to settle in the gumbo country of Northwest Nebraska in 2001. 
    From the very moment we got here there were things that impressed us. One was the beautiful country and I am sure that those of you who call the 43rd LD home all agree that we truly live in the best part of our great state. Whether it’s the Pine Ridge country of Dawes and Sheridan county or the majestic Sandhills of Cherry county to the waving grasslands of Rock County or perhaps the cornfields of Custer County or somewhere in between, we can agree that we live in the best part of “The Good Life”. 
    The next thing that impressed us were the people. Folks like Leo and Edith,  who although in their 80’s were thrilled to see our children that moved to the country. People like Raymond and Dixie and Ron and Rhonda, all neighbors willing to help in anyway possible. You see, the greatest asset we have as a state is our people. 
      The last, but certainly not least, is the land itself. One of the last great places in America where ranchers and farmers are revered and not mocked. Land where beef cattle are prized and crops are raised like no other place on earth. That’s what brought us here and just like the pioneers of old, we chose to be 1st generation ranchers and Nebraskans. Along with that has come struggle and success, but nothing has been more gratifying than to be able to raise our 3 children and watch them grow and operate machinery and work cattle. Now we have grandchildren able to experience the same blessings of being raised around cattle and hay and all that goes with this great life. 

    So, now you may ask why we chose to run for the legislature and go to Lincoln and work in government? The short answer is Karson, Asher, Adaline and Kallan, our precious grandchildren who deserve better than what is coming down the road for them! My granddaughter, like yours, should not have boys in their restrooms or have to compete with transgender boys in sports. Our grandsons should not be bombarded with indoctrination at school that seek to rob them of their God given right to be boys, soon to be men. Real men of honor and vision! These same children need to be taught about their great country and its history. They need to be taught that America produces heroes and patriots. Our children need to be taught the sheer brilliance and excellence of our great Constitution and be reminded of the Bill of Rights. Those rights that we were endowed with by our Creator.